University Recognition

IB logoMany colleges and universities recognize the rigor and demands of the IB Diploma Program. At some universities (including the Florida University System), up to one year’s credit is given for the successful completion of the IB Program. IBO has posted this information on the world wide web. Access it by pointing your browser to Click on Diploma Programme. Choose University Details.

Elizabeth G. Vermey, the Director of Admissions at Bryn Mawr College has this to say about the International Baccalaureate:

"We have been admitting students with the IB Diploma since 1975 and have found them to be superbly prepared for Bryn Mawr. . .

Because the IB jibes so well with our faculty’s idea of a liberal-arts curriculum, we decided to offer a full year’s credit to any student who came to us with a score of 30 or above on the full Diploma. We had already been giving college credit for high grades on individual Higher Level exams (following our policy of giving course credit on the Advanced Placement examinations of the College Board). But it soon became clear to us that the full IB was something more than the sum of the parts in a way that three or four AP’s were not, or not so necessarily, in that it insured all the elements of breadth, coherence, basic writing, research and analytical skills, as well as, in most cases, some practical and community experience."

Clifford Sjogren, formerly of the University of Michigan and the University of Southern California, has written:

"The best predictor of academic success is precious academic performance. Students who elect and satisfy the standards of a rigorous and demanding program in high school are the ones best suited to benefit from the intellectual environment at university. A transcript reveals a student’s enrollment in IB courses and serves notice to the admissions officer that the applicant is someone who accepts rather than avoids educational challenges. Further, a successful IB student will enroll with some advantages over students who have taken less intensive programs. The educational sophistication that students develop through an experience in an IB program will serve them well at institutions that attract serious students. Other advantages include increased self-confidence that comes from classroom experience with college-level academic material, a sharing of intellectual activities with the best students of the school, better time management, more experience with study..."

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