Dress Code

2024-2025 Fort Myers High School Dress Code 

The purpose of the Dress Code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming. Students shall maintain a clean, orderly appearance at all times.  The responsibility for the personal appearance of the student and the adherence to the dress code policy rests with the parent/guardian and the student.  Personal appearance shall not distract from the educational process.  According to the School Board of Lee County, each school has the authority to establish additional standards.

The following guidelines establish the minimum acceptable standards for student dress to be interpreted and enforced by the administration and staff at Fort Myers High School.  Students are required to comply with this dress code while on school grounds.

  • Shoes shall be worn at all times.

  • Apparel shall be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for school.  All skirts worn should be an appropriate length.

  • Pants shall be fastened at the waist.  It is unacceptable for undergarments to be exposed.  Sagging pants are not permitted.

  • Shorts are not allowed except on authorized spirit and reward days. Shorts must be an appropriate length. Shorts on spirit days must be worn with a predominately green shirt or FMHS spirit shirt being the outermost layer (may not be covered by a hoodie or jacket).  

  • Capri pants are defined as “calf length pants” and anything shorter than calf length is a violation. 

  • Shirts/blouses  must be worn at all times and shall be appropriately fastened in accord with the design of that shirt or blouse.  The length shall extend beyond the waist level. All shirts/tops must be worn at the waist line with no skin or mid-section exposed.

  • Transparent or see-through tops and bottoms are prohibited.

  • Bare midriff, strapless, low-cut clothing, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage or are of a suggestive nature are prohibited.

  • Halter tops, spaghetti straps, backless dresses or tops, tube tops, tank tops or muscle shirts with or without a jacket or sweater are not allowed. When wearing a removable jacket/hoodie, students must wear a shirt under the jacket. Shoulders must be completely covered. 

  • Any articles of clothing or jewelry that could likely cause injury or be used as a weapon are prohibited. 

  • Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges/stickers, or symbols that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, violence, sex, or any illegal activity are prohibited. 

  • Apparel or symbols which may be gang related may not be displayed on a student’s person or in the student’s locker, vehicles or other locations on campus.

  • The wearing of hats, caps, hoods, head scarves, bandannas while on campus is not allowed (This includes hats attached to belt loops). Hats/caps are allowed to be worn for extracurricular/physical education activities.

  • Pajama pants and attire is not permitted to be worn on campus unless authorized for a specific reason (i.e. holiday pajama day).

  • Clothing with slogans or advertising which is controversial or obscene in nature that disrupts the educational setting is prohibited. The administration reserves the right to determine all exceptions to this rule.

  • Holes, tears or rips in jeans or pants are allowed as long as underneath skin is not exposed (seen).

  • Leggings and stretch pants can be worn as long as your shirt covers your waist and the leggings have no transparent (see through) fabric located above the knees. 

  • Long coats, including trench coats are not allowed.

  • Pillows and blankets are not allowed. 

Note: The school administration reserves the right to appraise any current fashion or fad and determine whether it is appropriate for school wear. Students must be in dress code compliance upon entering school grounds, during all after school events, and at all times while students are on campus.  Lee County District Dress Code Policy is still the standard and will be enforced. Dress code will be checked daily and strongly enforced.  Any student in violation of the dress code will receive disciplinary actions according to the student code of conduct.

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