Career and Technical Academies

Career and Technical Academies

Accounting Applications I ,II & III

This course emphasizes double-entry accounting; methods and principles of recording business transactions; the preparation of various documents used in recording income, expenses, acquisition of assets, incurrence of liabilities, changes in equity; and the preparation of financial statements. The use of computers is required.

Business Software Applications

This course is designed to use technology to produce high quality employment portfolios, research job opportunities, compile and disseminate job-seeking documents.

Digital Design

This course is designed to develop basic entry-level skills required for careers in the digital publishing industry. The content includes; process, planning, designing, conceptualizing, editing, critiquing and presenting of real-world projects created using traditional & digital media. Students will be using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to enhance their design skills. Levels II, III & IV will build on the foundations of design covered in Level I to create more professional work to produce student design portfolios. Students will also have the opportunity to get industry certification in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator.


The program provides students with an advanced understanding of the knowledge, human relations and technological skills found today in technical professions. Students also may earn solidworks certifications.

Digital Information Technology (8207310)

This course is designed to provide a basic overview of current business and information systems and trends, and to introduce students to fundamental skills required for today's business and academic environments. Emphasis is placed on developing fundamental computer skills. The intention of this course is to prepare students to be successful both personally and professionally in an information based society. Digital Information Technology includes the exploration and use of: databases, the internet, spreadsheets, presentation applications, management of personal information and email, word processing and document manipulation (including industry certifications), HTML, web page design, and the integration of these programs using software that meets industry standards. After successful completion of this core course, students will have met Occupational Completion Point A, Information Technology Assistant

TV Production

This program prepares students for a vast array of video production careers. Projects are designed to build skills in videography, post-production, and storytelling techniques, writing for broadcast and live newscast production. Career Ready Practices, such as teamwork, communication, leadership skills and professionalism are stressed at every level. Industry Certification in editing with Adobe Premiere Pro is offered as well. Students completing this program are prepared to gain acceptance in highly competitive media arts programs at top universities and take on entry-level positions in the industry to jump start their careers.

Web Design

The program is designed to prepare students for employment as a General Office Clerk, HTML coder, Web Graphic Designer, and Web Producer. This Program offers a broad foundation of knowledge and skills to prepare students for employment in Web Design services positions. The content includes Operating System commands and Web document development, design, promotion and scripting.

Early Childhood I-IV

The courses in our teaching academy are designed to prepare college or career bound students for a variety of careers in the education field: early childhood, elementary or a career that involves working with children. Certifications: DCF Child Care Worker; CDA (Child Development Associate)

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