Fall Sports

Fall sports picture collage of football, golf ball, bowling ball and pins, water, edge of sneakers, arms raised with volleyball at net, cheer poms

 Athletic Paperwork:

All required athletic paperwork must be uploaded to https://athleticclearance.fhsaahome.org/ to participate in any pre-season or conditioning tryouts.  You can find the athletic paperwork on the Fort Myers High School website, or they can be picked up from the athletic office.

Student Spirit Passes

Student spirit passes are available for purchase for the 2024-25 school year.  A spirit pass gives the students admission to ALL regular season home games.  Using the pass throughout the school year is a great way to attend events, save money, and support the school. The sooner the pass is purchased, the more money you will save.  The cost of the pass is $50. The passes are available online at https://fmh.leeschools.net/our_students/athletics/purchase_athletic_tickets_online, at the open house, or from the athletic office with cash or check. Contact Steven Cato with any questions – [email protected]

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